Okie dokie, so i said i'd chip in with the advent content as no one had sent anything to us for December 4th i managed to write a very basic and quick sceanrio so i could make a part 2 a bit more than just a drive to point A to point B.
unfortuinately the packager only packagede up the current save file??? i 100% know i ticked all the boxes inside the sceanrio in package manager to pack it all.. but never mind.
I found a major flaw in it when i conmtinued playing it. so i changed some AI about changes some times and added stop at instructions to keep them on the right path.
Now i have a problem where the AI stock i altered does not move, and one of them just vansishes off the map when i got near it....
Wonder if i can fix the scenario today? update when i have!