The plain blue one is ready and waiting...

But the "Dart" livery is prooving a little bit "problematic" With the mapping being a bit sqewiff, its caused a intresting out come.... but shouldn't be too hard to fix if i move the "recycled" text further up the body of the DMSL..

But just so you can have a glimpse at the "dart" livery (wich is going to be my "in House" livery (just like Padster Rail is Padsters) and yup they have a very striking simalarity... We like padsters "southisle livery so much we have adopted it ourselfs!.

ore shots once i have fixed the problems on the Dart Rail.
P.S - These can be hosted by anyone who wants to however all i ask for is credit for the reskin and you must include the readme i will place into the zip folder along with the RPK for each of the liverys.
As for Padster Rail Southisle, i am keeping that to and possibly UKTS.
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