although wikipedia seems to offer little to no decent information on these units, i have found a tiny snippet of information on them.
The British Rail Class 307 electric multiple units were built by BR at Eastleigh Works from 1954-1956. They were initially classified as AM7 before the introduction of TOPS.
The British Rail (BR) Class 308 alternating current (AC) electric multiple units (EMU) were built by BR at York, in three batches, from 1961–62. They were initially classified as AM8 units before the introduction of TOPS.
Overmars from our community forums (RWTS) & also no stranger on UKTS has been posting some juicy work in progress shots of a project he has asked Digital Traction?* to convert into RailWorks.
I am very excited as I was growing up just as the last of the Mark 1 stock was completing their final years of service (the 423's) and sadly now only 2 Mark 1 units (Both 421's) still run on main line duty's (until SWT pull them out of service (sometime in 2010 / 2011) on the Lymington to Brockenhurst Line.
anyway Here are the screenshots of whats been done so far (most work is being done with the 308 at the moment) as you can see in the video and screenshots there is a 307 also waiting to hit Railworks too!

and here is a video of the 307 in action!
?* = Needs clarification.
When is this due for release or has it been released if it has been released then where can I get them I would really like these to add to my collection.