Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Whats New? Q & A - Post 1 of 2

Whislt XP isntalls to my second hand machine I am going to take this opotunity to give you all an update to whats happened in the world of RS (Now re-named RW) Trainsim.

Q: New Name? Why?

A: Railworks is so much better than RailSimulator and we decided as a team that we will discontinue adding downloads for RailSimulator, so we have taken down all (but a few) Railsimulator downloads form the downloads section of the forums so we love Railworks so much we decided to .

Q: what about my content?

A: If you have contributed with us, don't worry if you have a copy of RailWorks installed simply port your content over (RPK from RS or Drag the folder form RS to RW) install to your RailWorks and re-pack the item up as RWP (RailWorks Package), re-submit it and we'll happiuy continue to host your work past, present and future.

Q: It's not quite fair, I don't have railworks?

A: Unfortunately there is nothing we can do, other websites such as UKTrainsim will still offer RS downloads as long as the contributers release them for that system. RW-Trainsim wants to focus on the future and proove RailWorks (though still a little buggy) but what do you expect form a new program? is the future of Rail Simming.

Q: New name, New Web Address?

A: NO! The site owner has another 16 months to run on the current address, untill that time is up and it comes to re-newal, we will not be changing our web address. however once the 16 months are up the team will discuss if to re-new or buy a new name.

Q: Are the downloads still free?

A: YES 100%

if you have any further questions don't hesitate to pop down to our forum and chat to us. http://rs-trainsim.co.uk/forums

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